Explore patient pathways to CAR-T trial participation

Patient Pathways

Patient A

  • Does not have a referral from a HCP
Patient Outcome

Patient A is excluded from trial enrollment as there is a lack of HCP awareness.

CAR-T therapy is still a novel treatment, so referrals can be limited. Trial locations are at prominent academic research centers, restricting access to wider patient populations

What we learned about access to, and engagement with CAR-T trials

A lack of awareness from HCPs impacts patient referrals:

Cell and Gene therapies are still in their infancy, so referring providers may be less familiar with, or less confident in recommending CAR-T due to restrictive loc ation access. This can directly impact patients' awareness of CAR-T as a care option.

Referring physicians can misidentify canidates that are not appropriate and under identify appropriate patients which may explain why the update of CAR-T has been so slow and less than gratifying

The HCP's perspective


Our Methodology