The Regulatory Navigator series explores the evolving regulatory landscape with actionable insight from Parexel's experts, sharing their experience to maximize success for clinical development and patient access.
Read our clinical, non-clinical, CMC, regulatory affairs, and APAC updates.
Single-arm trials as pivotal evidence: Key considerations and implications for drug developers
PD-1 inhibitors face scrutiny in esophageal cancer: Key takeaways for drug developers
FDA releases draft guidance on oncology multiregional clinical trials (MRCTs): Key considerations for global drug development
CAR-T product development: an assessment of FDA’s final guidance for industry
New guideline for the management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Considerations for clinical development
New FDA draft guidance: Implications for simplifying interchangeability for biosimilars in the US
Pursuing alternative approaches to animal models in drug development: EMA innovation task force and scientific advice opportunities
Key implications for nonclinical development: FDA guidance on human gene therapy products incorporating human genome editing
Gene therapy: are high costs and manufacturing complexities impeding progress?
Potency assurance for CGT products: an assessment of FDA’s new draft guidance
Hello again! ICH Q5A revision 2 updates guidance for developers of biotechnological products and ATMPs
CMC flexibilities in biological medicinal product development: The current EU perspective
Regulatory Affairs
BIOSECURE Act: Implications for US-based drug developers
Real-world evidence methods for regulatory decision making: An HMA/EMA update
The clock is ticking on EU-CTR transitions: To meet the deadline, act now
Regulatory acceptability of AI: Current perspectives
CAR-T boxed warnings: regulatory precedents and opportunities
The EU-CTR transition: Four key ways to prepare now
New China CDE guidance on platform validation of viral clearance aligns with FDA and EMA
Exploring China’s new pilot regulatory program for rare disease drug development