Biotech Clinical Trial Solutions

Let's change lives together

Whether you're a dedicated team of two or a pharmaceutical company with more than 100 staff, we'll work side-by-side with you to develop life-changing treatments.

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Fast, flexible, dedicated — we'll amplify your team's expertise with everything you need to impact patient lives, from regulatory and commercial strategy to cutting-edge trial design and execution.

Every service, at your fingertips

At Parexel Biotech, we’ve integrated our wide breadth of services across all our business units. That gives us the speed and flexibility to deliver anything you need, right when you need it, with all your services coordinated by a single point of contact. All you need to do is reach out, and we’ll take care of it. Together, we’ll integrate scientific, clinical, regulatory, and commercial considerations early on and throughout development, so your treatment has the surest path to approval and success.

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One of the most core reasons the Parexel stands out in biotech is that we integrated all of our services across all of our different business units so that we can deliver anything that the customer needs at the right time that they need it.

They're looking for service providers that can be agile and nimble, but you have to have a breadth of services in order to be agile to work with them.

There may be things that they haven't come across because they sit maybe within a discipline. They don't have the benefit of this huge multidisciplinary team that we have in the organization.

They might be an in-depth expert, but they need to collaborate with others of different disciplines, and we can bring that to them and they really see the value.

The customers are very interested in Parexel's single point of contact. We can represent all of our services with one delivery director and that way they have one person that they can go to. So, if it's a regulatory item, a logistics item, a safety item, a clinical item, that one point of contact is very important and that creates the efficiency.

The closer we get to working in a true partnership in our understanding as they're trying to develop their solution, the better we are at serving their needs. It's a pride in your job. It's a pride in your deliverable. It's a pride in that dynamic you have with the people you're working with and the customer who sits across the table from you.

So, when we show up really understanding the impact on the patient, we're all driving to the same solution, I think that really resonates.


Delivering two rescue studies for a small biotech


  • Parexel stepped in to assist a small biotech company with two vital studies on a demanding schedule.
  • The incumbent, a smaller CRO, lacked the full expertise to meet the demands of these large, complex studies.
  • Global enrollment was already well underway for both. 
  • With tight timelines for regulatory submissions in jeopardy, the sponsor concluded that Parexel would be a better fit to deliver the solutions required. 
  • Parexel collaborated effectively with the outgoing incumbent to make the transition.
  • With support of the Parexel executive leadership team, functional groups pulled together across the organization.
  • The solution followed these key steps: 
    • Creating a transition plan before undertaking any activities
    • Crafting a detailed project plan mapping major milestones
    • Engaging regulatory and technology teams early in the process
  • Parexel succeeded in delivering both studies within three months without missing a single patient visit, achieving all of the sponsor’s goals.
  • Parexel was consequently awarded additional contracts, including a pediatric study, a Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) study in breast cancer patients, biostats, medical coding, and regulatory projects. 

Accelerate development with Parexel Biotech

shorter cycle time for site initiation (faster than industry average)

(Source KMR Benchmarking Report 2023)

shorter cycle time from protocol approval to clinical trial report (faster than industry average)

(Source KMR Benchmarking Report 2023)

Winning strategies, with real results


An experienced team that’s collaborative and accountable

Leveraging our dedicated biotech operations group, we match your unique requirements with an experienced team that anticipates and adaptively delivers the solutions you need. We'll work closely with you to amplify your capabilities, but we’re also accountable, taking it upon ourselves to solve problems and seize opportunities as soon as they arise.

Patient-focused development

We’re passionate about the patients you serve — and your trial’s success is dependent upon them. That’s why we strive to improve clinical trial diversity and partner with patients to help shape protocols, reduce trial burden, and increase retention. By gathering input from patients, caregivers, and investigative site staff worldwide, we’re able to develop the most efficient, empathetic path forward.

Global execution, local expertise

No matter where you’re conducting research, we have the global reach and expertise to help you navigate competitive, regulatory, and reimbursement landscapes in all major markets, including full capabilities in China. We deliver clinical development programs worldwide to rapidly find the patients waiting for your treatment.

Early commercial planning for the most success

We’ll help you start commercial planning early to set up a clear path to investment and revenue and avoid unnecessary delays. This includes weeding out unpromising product candidates to mitigate risk and focusing on products with the best chances of success. We’ll also help you clearly articulate a coherent product value story, from start to finish, so it’s easier to raise funds, make smarter development choices, gain market share, win reimbursement, and accelerate commercialization.